Photo of Maya Kornberg

Maya Kornberg

Maya Kornberg specializes in legislatures and legislative reform. She is a legislative studies specialist, currently leading research for a UNDP and IPU project on civic engagement in the work of parliaments around the world. Her PhD focused on legislative policymaking in the US Congress. She is also writing a book on this topic. For more information, visit


The People’s Branch

October 16, 2021
The people’s branch, Congress, was designed as a platform for the American people to have a conversation about policy. It is their medium through which to tell their stories. Read More

Create a Professional Advisory Council for committees, remove cameras from hearings (at least some of them), reform committee jurisdictions

April 17, 2019
To:             The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress From:       Maya Kornberg, Ph.D. candidate, Oxford University Reform:   Create a Professional Advisory Council… Read More

You can take a congressperson outta Washington …

March 21, 2019
Last week the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress held its first hearing. One of its tasks is to recommend ways to reform congressional procedures. Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.),… Read More