Broad coalition endorses principles for transparency and oversight of coronavirus stimulus spending

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20514 | The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20514 |
The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader of the United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 | Honorable Chuck Schumer Minority Leader of the United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 |
As the United States – and indeed, the world – grapples with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Congress and the President have taken a number of steps to alleviate the pain felt by consumers and businesses alike.
Each of our respective organizations has preferred public policy outcomes that we work to achieve, but in this time of crisis, we all believe it most important to put aside our disagreements and focus on the shared goal of doing what is best for the country.
Millions of Americans are currently out of work or otherwise underemployed and lack the ability to pay their rent and mortgages or for their food and prescriptions. Providing for these immediate needs, not making the same old mistakes of cronyism and waste, is therefore of paramount importance.
Forthcoming federal efforts simply must be crafted responsibly. To that end, we have outlined the following principles to guide your work during the coming months:
- Focus on immediate relief, not larger policy goals. Relief that is timely, targeted and temporary is preferable to other types, and we should beware of attempts that aim for stimulus or economic engineering rather than relief.
- Aim to provide targeted relief instead of stimulus. In the period immediately following an exogenous shock to our economy, our goal cannot be to stimulate, but to relieve. Our goal should be to forestall a larger economic crash, rather than attempt to stimulate a recovery.
- Avoid the temptation of special benefits. The current economic difficulties are impacting businesses large and small, and it’s important that efforts to address the crisis do not play favorites or otherwise pick winners and losers. With everyone sharing in the pain, everyone should share in the solutions.
- Enact measures that are temporary. The current economic situation makes fiscal tradeoffs difficult, but they must eventually be considered. All proposals should be substantial, but not permanent, and any further fiscal response should ultimately be tied to the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Emphasize meaningful transparency. Accountability is key, and allowing aid to be tracked will ensure that it is effectively helping to alleviate the health or economic crisis. Assistance should be continuously evaluated to determine whether it continues to be warranted. After all, large-scale legislation that carries an unprecedented price tag necessitates an unprecedented level of independent oversight, not less.
- Account for the spending today. Now may not be the time to talk about offsetting new federal spending, but the imperative to act quickly should not prevent us from guarding against unnecessary long-term costs. A website for tracking spending and an “emergency assistance account” for the pandemic would be effective tools to ensure that money is spent as intended and costs are offset over time.
History will judge us by the actions we take today, but we all believe that together we can move the country past this crisis and get our economy growing again.
Jonathan Bydlak Director, Fiscal & Policy Project R Street Institute | Jason Pye Vice President of Legislative Affairs FreedomWorks |
Steve Ellis President Taxpayers for Common Sense | Danielle Brian Executive Director Project on Government Oversight |
David Williams President Taxpayers Protection Alliance | Pete Sepp President National Taxpayers Union |
Bob Barr Member of Congress, 1995-2003; President, Liberty Guard Bob Barr | Grover Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform |
Steve Pociask President / CEO American Consumer Institute | Jim Waters President and CEO Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions |
Greg Lawson Executive Director, Economic Research Center Buckeye Institute | Garrett Ballengee Executive Director Cardinal Institute for WV Policy |
Andrew F. Quinlan President Center for Freedom and Prosperity | Chuck Muth President Citizen Outreach |
James Turner Chairman of the Board Citizens for Health | Matthew Kandrach President Consumer Action for a Strong Economy |
Kyle Wingfield President & CEO Georgia Public Policy Foundation | Louis Clark Executive Director and CEO Government Accountability Project |
Patrice McDermott Director Government Information Watch | Mario H. Lopez President Hispanic Leadership Fund |
Jon Caldara President Independence Institute | Carrie L. Lukas President Independent Women’s Forum |
Heather R. Higgins CEO Independent Women’s Voice | Tom Giovanetti Director Institute for Policy Innovation |
Meredith McGehee Executive Director Issue One | Dr. Bob McClure President & CEO James Madison Institute |
Seton Motley President Less Government | Michael Ostrolenk National Director Liberty Coalition |
Joe Lehman President Mackinac Center for Public Policy | Matt Gagnon Chief Executive Officer Maine Policy Institute |
Jameson Taylor Vice President for Policy Mississippi Center for Public Policy | Adam Andrzejewski CEO & Founder Open the Books |
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Topics: | Budget & Appropriations |