The select committee will hold public hearings and be required to provide an interim status report to the House Administration and Rules committees every 90 days. The committee will not have legislative authority and will formally terminate on February 1, 2020.
- The Select Committee held an organizational meeting on March 12, 2019, where members voted unanimously to approve the committee’s operating rules. The organizational meeting was followed by a member day hearing. Witness testimony from the member day hearing can be found here.
- On March 27, 2019, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled, “Congressional Reforms of the Past and Their Effect on Today’s Congress.” The video link to the hearing is here.
- On May 1, the Select Committee will hold a public hearing entitled, “Former Members Day Hearing: Speaking from Experience.”
- On May 10, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled, “Opening Up the Process: Recommendations for Making Legislative Information More Transparent.”
- On May 23, the Select Committee held a public business meeting to consider five transparency recommendations to open up Congress.
- On June 5, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled, “Improving Constituent Engagement.”
- On June 20, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Cultivating Diversity and Improving Retention Among Congressional Staff.”
- On July 11, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Fostering the Next Generation of Leaders: Setting Members up for Success.”
- On July 24, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Modernizing Legislative Information Technologies: Lessons from the States.”
- On July 25, the Select Committee held a business meeting during which the committee unanimously approved 24 recommendations relating to streamlining House human resources, overhauling the onboarding process and Member education, modernizing House technology, and increasing House accessibility.
- On September 19, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Recommendations for Improving the Budget and Appropriations Process: A Look at the Work of the Joint Select Committee.”
- On September 26, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Promoting Civility and Building a More Collaborative Congress.”
- On October 16, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “The House Calendar and Schedule: Evaluating Practices and Challenges.”
- On October 31, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Congress and the Frank: Bringing Congressional Mailing Standards into the 21st Century.”
- On November 15, the Select Committee held a public hearing entitled “Administrative Efficiencies: Exploring Options to Streamline Operations in the U.S. House of Representatives.”
- On December 5, the Select Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing entitled “Rules and Procedures in the U.S. House of Representatives: A Look at Reform Efforts and State Best Practices”.