Survey of Working Group Participants

The Working Group’s research agenda will be informed by the interests of meeting attendees and followers of Legislative Branch Working Group.

Thus, to gauge your views on Congress and your interest in research topics, please respond to these questions, and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the survey.

Note: This survey is anonymous, and only the summary results of the survey will be released (not anyone’s individual response). 

Your employer *

Congress has the staff it needs to govern in the 21st century. *

2. Legislative support agencies (GAO, CRS, etc.) provide sufficient support to Congress. *

3. The current House and Senate legislative processes and procedures are working. *

4. The current House and Senate systems of committees and jurisdictions operate well. *

5. Congress has the information technology it needs to legislate, conduct oversight, and respond to the demands of constituents, interest groups, etc. *

6. (a) Congressional staff: How much effect would reform yield? *

6. (b) Congressional staff: How feasible would it be to enact reforms? *

6. (c) Congressional staff: How interested are you in this research topic? *

7. (a) Legislative support agencies: How much effect would reform yield?

7. (b) Legislative support agencies: How feasible would it be to enact reform? *

7 (c) Legislative support agencies: How interested are you in this research topic? *

8 (a) Legislative procedure: How much effect would reform yield? *

8 (b) Legislative procedure: How feasible would it be to enact reform? *

8 (c) Legislative procedure: How interested are you in this research topic? *

9 (a) Committee structure: How much effect would reform yield? *

9 (b) Committee structure: How feasible would it be to enact reforms? *

9 (c) Committee structure: How interested are you in this research topic? *

10 (a) Information technology: How much effect would reform yield? *

10 (b) Information technology: How feasible is reform? *

10 (c) Information technology: How interested are you in this research topic? *

Filed Under:
Topics: Other
Tags: Kevin R. Kosar Lee Drutman

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