LegBranch Team


More heat than light: New Conservative amending activity in the U.S. House

October 24, 2018
For almost a decade, House Republicans from the Tea Party, Liberty, and Freedom Caucuses—to whom we give the collective label “New Conservatives”—have repeatedly and publicly clashed with House Republican… Read More

House “Dear Colleague” letter soliciting support for bipartisan rules reforms in the 116th Congress

October 22, 2018
Support Bipartisan Rules Reforms in the 116th Congress Sending Office: Honorable Derek KilmerRequest for Signature(s) Current cosigners: Kilmer, Buck, Rice, Bergman, Bustos, Gallagher, Bera, Biggs, Welch, Moulton,… Read More

D or R > X or Y: Party trumps sex in the contemporary Congress

October 18, 2018
By Jennifer L. Lawless and Sean M. Theriault When Republican Senator Susan Collins took to the Senate floor last week to announce whether she would vote to… Read More

Video available for lecture series on Congress and congressional capacity

October 15, 2018
This past August, the U.S. Capitol Historical Society hosted a weekly lecture series on Congress and congressional capacity. Congressional scholars presented new research on various aspects of… Read More

ICYMI: Top reads on Congress

October 12, 2018
Amber Phillips, “The Kavanaugh fight was historically ugly. Blame a Congress that was primed to bungle it,” Washington Post: “The vast majority of senators on… Read More

Challenges in congressional oversight of U.S. interests overseas

October 10, 2018
With control of Congress at stake in the midterm election—including a real chance that Democrats could take back the House—legislative oversight and investigations are returning to the forefront… Read More

Event: Can a revised inherent contempt procedure strengthen enforcement of House subpoenas to the executive branch?

October 9, 2018
Good Government Now invites you to a panel discussion and lunch on Friday, October 19th: Can a Revised Inherent Contempt… Read More

Staff have the skills to assist Congress, but they need more resources

October 9, 2018
By Jennifer L. Selin and Hanna K. Brant At a recent hearing before the House Committee on Rules, Democracy Reform Task Force Chair Representative John Sarbanes… Read More

On congressional law enforcement

October 8, 2018
The early years of the Trump presidency have helped to shine a renewed national spotlight on the constitutional separation of powers. In particular, the investigations into Russian active measures… Read More

How Senators use Twitter to communicate legislative activity

October 3, 2018
Congress has experienced much change over the last 50 years, including increased party polarization, committee system reforms, and the rise of social media. The way members communicate with their… Read More