Article I Restoration Resolution Introduced

Rep. Warren Davidson, R-OH, introduced the Article One Restoration Resolution on May 17. The legislation, he stated in a “Dear colleague” letter, 

“would require each relevant authorizing committee to review statutes within its jurisdiction and propose changes that limit excessive executive discretion. The committees would then submit these suggestions to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which would package them up and report them to the whole House for consideration. AORR envisions a committee-led process. There are no strict targets or sanctions for committees. There is also no expedited or TPA-like process for floor consideration. The AORR simply lays out a process, and an opportunity, for the House to consider legislation retaking legislative prerogatives in one, unified package.”

A draft copy of the legislation is here, and the official version of the bill soon will appear on

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Topics: Oversight Reform Efforts
Tags: Rep. Warren Davidson