How a Rump of Renegade Republican Senators Could Restore Regular Order

 The gentlemen from Arizona, with a hand from Sen. Susan Collins, could turn the chamber upside down.
The gentlemen from Arizona, with a hand from Sen. Susan Collins, could turn the chamber upside down.

Lee Drutman writes at Vox:

If Sen. McCain is truly serious about bringing about regular order, here’s a plan:

First, assemble a new rump faction, big enough to determine the majority. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins would be obvious confederates. And since Republicans currently have a 52-48 edge in the Senate, you’ll need at least three confederates, though ideally you’d get more.

Then, go to Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and offer a deal: We’ll make you majority leader if you agree to a process of regular order. Let the committee process work. Give each committee an equal balance of Republicans and Democrats, and adequate staffing capacity to develop policy and hold hearings independently.

Would Schumer take this deal? He should. Democrats are not likely to win back the majority in 2018, so…


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