Nan Swift

Resident Fellow, Governance Program

Nan Swift researches, writes and builds relationships across party lines to promote R Street’s Governance Program with Congress.

Prior to R Street, Nan worked as professional staff for the U.S. Senate Budget Committee. She was responsible for outreach to coalition partners to get support and feedback for the Committee’s oversight, budget and budget process reform efforts.

Nan also worked as a federal affairs manager for the National Taxpayers Union. In this role, she worked closely with members of Congress—and other organizations—on both sides of the aisle. She advocated on behalf of taxpayers for lower spending, budget process reform, and a reduction in the unfair federal subsidies and policies that distort so many key industries.

She has degrees in political studies and English literature from Gordon College (Wenham, MA).

Nan lives in Arlington, Virginia with two churlish guinea pigs (Ocho and Seven Jr.) and a COVID-19 cat, Charlie.


Open Letter to Congress: Supplemental Spending to Bypass Spending Caps Premature

August 3, 2023
Open Letter to Congress: Supplemental Spending to Bypass Spending Caps Premature On behalf of the undersigned free-market organizations, we urge all members of Congress to oppose efforts to use an… Read More

Resources for Redistricting ahead of the 118th Congress

November 17, 2022
Every 10 years, using updated information from the latest census, the congressional map is redrawn. Particularly for staff who work in a district office, ensuring a smooth transition for… Read More

With modernization, Congress could be the branch you’ve been waiting for

July 8, 2022
Following the Supreme Court’s June 30 decision in West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which held that the EPA did not have broad authority to overhaul the nation’s electricity production, many… Read More

CapitolStrong provides Hill staff resources for tough times

June 2, 2022
Anyone who has worked on Capitol Hill for a member of Congress has faced the ire of an angry caller. Sometimes merely rude, sometimes calling repeatedly and using offensive language—everyone… Read More

House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress achieves progress on recommendations

November 2, 2021
Impermanent committees too often get a bad rap in Washington. People are quick to point to the 2011 Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction—sometimes called the “Supercommittee”—or the more… Read More

Partisan budget reconciliation strategy burns bridges

September 14, 2021
Even as they push a $1 trillion infrastructure spending package, Democrats are burning bridges with their partisan $3.5 trillion federal budget. This spending plan will make it difficult to tackle… Read More

Letter: Bipartisan Coalition Urges Appropriators to Restore Congress’ Power of the Purse

April 23, 2021
Dear Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, Senator Van Hollen, and Senator Hyde-Smith: We are an ideologically diverse coalition of organizations that have come together to preserve and promote the constitutional… Read More

If you don’t like the score, play better

April 19, 2021
Senate Democrats, frustrated their increasingly costly agenda is hitting some speedbumps (also known as business as usual), are considering a novel—and dangerous—solution to their legislative logjam: sub out the… Read More

Congress once again gives away the farm

March 2, 2021
Tom Vilsack will once again assume the top spot at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), after the Senate voted overwhelmingly to support his confirmation. Vilsack previously served as Secretary… Read More