Congressional oversight (of the Executive) is dead; Long live congressional oversight (of the Judiciary)

September 19, 2018
By Lauren C. Bell On August 8, 2018, sixteen organizations sent a joint letter to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley and ranking member Dianne… Read More

Congress: Difficult by design

September 18, 2018
Daniel Patrick Moynihan once remarked that “the United States is the one nation in the world with a real legislature.” The senator from New York was boasting of our system, but… Read More

New paper on CRS’s declining role in supporting committee oversight

September 10, 2018
                                                         … Read More

ICYMI: Analysis on legislative gridlock and congressional oversight

September 4, 2018
The most recent edition of the The Legislative Scholar, the newsletter of the legislative studies section of the American Political Science Association, focuses on “the pervasive problem of… Read More

Congressional reform is way overdue

August 2, 2018
Source: President Donald J. Trump’s recent Helsinki trip was an awful spectacle. In short order, he managed to antagonize the allies we need to maintain European stability and… Read More

Kavanaugh nominated to protect Trump? What some senators are getting wrong.

July 12, 2018
Image source: WSJ By Anthony Marcum Within minutes of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, opponents were quick to highlight a 2009 article written by Kavanaugh for the Minnesota Law… Read More

Are courtesy meetings nuked?

July 10, 2018
Image source: National Review By Mark Owens Process and procedure have begun to dominate debates about controversial or salient nominations to the federal bench. Frustration emerged when the regular procedures… Read More

Congress and trade policy: Time to refresh the trade advisory system?

June 20, 2018
Image source: USTR By Ryan Dukeman From Ross Perot’s “giant sucking sound,” to Pat Buchanan’s promise to “make America first again,” to the 2016 presidential election, international trade has long… Read More

LegBranch Conversations: An interview with David Schoenbrod

June 12, 2018
David Schoenbrod is the Trustee Professor of Law at New York Law School. Over the course of his career, he has been a leading practitioner and scholar of environmental… Read More

Congressional behavior in the Trump era

June 6, 2018
Image source: NRO By Jordan M. Ragusa No doubt one of the most discussed political issues in the last two years is whether and how Donald Trump’s presidency is changing… Read More