Is Congress Broken? Not Necessarily

May 25, 2017
By Richard M. Skinner William F. Connelly, Jr., John J. Pitney, Jr., and Gary J. Schmitt, Is Congress Broken? The Virtues and Defects of Partisanship and Gridlock (Brookings Institution… Read More

Why Has Congress Become More Chaotic?

July 11, 2016
Source: Kevin R. Kosar Jonathan Rauch‘s “How American Politics Went Insane” has drawn much commentary. Rauch argues that Congress is struggling to organize itself, and that a major cause… Read More

Jonathan Rauch On Congress and Chaos

July 4, 2016
The Brookings Institution’s Jonathan Rauch has an article garnering much attention: “How American Politics Went Insane” (The Atlantic, July/August 2016). He writes: “Chaos syndrome is a chronic decline in the… Read More