Earmark Ban Fosters Lettermarks

January 30, 2017
The R Street Institute released a new policy study by Bowling Green State University Profs. Russell W. Mills and Nicole Kalaf-Hughes that found a rise in lettermarking occurring after… Read More

Why Process Matters in Congressional Appropriations

January 29, 2017
Image credit: Congressional Institute, http://conginst.org/ By C. Jarrett Dieterle As past legislative sessions have come to a close amid threats of a government shutdown, we’re forced to wonder:… Read More

Does Congress Want to Govern?

January 16, 2017
Over the past year, leading members of Congress have delivered some stirring mea culpas about the demise of the First Branch of Government. Speaker Ryan’s “A Better Way” agenda… Read More

Exit Earmarks, Enter Letter-marks

December 12, 2016
By Russell W. Mills and Nicole Kalaf-Hughes Summary: Our recent research on letter-marking found executive agencies and the president now have wide discretion in the allocation of projects. Read More

House Holds Hearing on the Power of the Purse

December 4, 2016
The House Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Operations and Healthcare, Benefits, and Administrative Rules convened a hearing on the power of the purse on December 1, 2016. It… Read More

Congressional Earmarks: Are We Better Off Without Them?

October 3, 2016
Source: Data for Social Science Good,  0 0 1 1399 7975 R Street Institute 66 18 9356 14.0… Read More

How Do Members Distribute Their MRA Spending?

September 12, 2016
Illustration credit: Steven John Tomisek, StampCommunity.org Blog post by Prof. Craig Goodman and Prof. David C.W. Parker In a previous post, we argued that members… Read More

Why House Members Fly Home So Often

August 25, 2016
Source: Wikipedia. Blog post by Prof. Craig Goodman and Prof. David C.W. Parker  Members of Congress are simultaneously legislators and representatives. In 1978,… Read More

Do House Democrats and Republicans Spend Differently?

July 28, 2016
Guest blog post by Philip A. Wallach and Nicholas W. Zeppos So, now the question we all love to ask these days: do the blues and the reds… Read More

What Does the House of Representatives Spend Its Appropriation On?

July 27, 2016
Guest post by Philip A. Wallach and Nicholas W. Zeppos There is a short and unsurprising answer: mostly, it spends on staff.  Personnel expenses amount to more than three-quarters of… Read More