The Number of Hearings Is Going Down

July 6, 2017
At Vox, Jonathan Lewallen, Sean Theriault, and Bryan Jones write:  “We should not be surprised by the lack of Senate committee hearings on the AHCA. It… Read More

The Downsides of Using Executive Agency Detailees

June 20, 2017
In a previous post, I recounted the advantages of using executive detailees as a means of combatting staffing shortages on Capitol Hill. In short, agency detailees can serve as… Read More

How Executive Detailees Could Help Ease Congress’ Staffing Problems

June 6, 2017
Source: Russell Mills and Jennifer Selin, 2017. It is becoming more widely acknowledged that Congress has a staffing problem. While the executive branch employs more than 4 million people,… Read More

Whither the Conference Committee?

March 20, 2017
Source: CSPAN3. Professors Hong Min Park, Steven S. Smith and Ryan J. Vander Wielen recently presented a monograph, “The Changing Politics of Conciliation: How Institutional… Read More

House Votes to Increase Appropriations for Permanent Committees

March 19, 2017
Phillip Lohaus, Daniel Schuman and Mandy Smithberger report: Today [March 8, 2017] the Committee on House Administration took a small but important step to restore the House of Representatives… Read More

Could Caucuses Help Rebuild Bipartisanship on Capitol Hill?

March 5, 2017
From “With the election sweep, there’s plenty of talk among Republicans about now being able to get things done. But there is also rising concern among observers… Read More

ICYMI: Fixing the Confirmation Process

March 3, 2017
Tevi Troy wrote in National Affairs: “In May 2007, when I was nominated by President George W. Bush to serve as deputy secretary of Health and Human Services,… Read More

Can the House Return to Regular Order?

January 16, 2017
In The Hill, Don Wolfensberger writes: In following the election of House Speakers in recent years, it is hard to overlook the common thread of their acceptance speeches:… Read More

Do Term Limits for Committee Chairs Weaken Committees?

January 10, 2017
Photo credit: Yes, say professors Craig Volden and Alan Wiseman. They write in the January 4, 2017 Washington Post: Beginning in the mid-1990s, Republicans limited their chair positions to three… Read More

Experts Call Upon Senate to Stabilize Committee Staff

October 19, 2016
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, United States Senate The Honorable Harry Reid, United States Senate The Honorable John Cornyn, United States Senate The Honorable Dick Durbin, United States Senate October 18, 2016… Read More