Committee Sheet: Senate Committee on Armed Services

March 26, 2018
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Committee Sheet: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

March 19, 2018
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Committee Sheet: House Committee on Appropriations

March 12, 2018
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Committee Sheet: House Committee on Ways and Means

March 5, 2018
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Committee Sheet: House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

February 26, 2018
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Could advisory committees help repair a broken Congress?

February 22, 2018
By Stuart Kasdin Congress and the media have recently celebrated Congress’ success in funding the government, after only a short shutdown. With this Congress, even producing continuing resolutions in… Read More

Committee Sheet: House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

February 19, 2018
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How intraparty organizations reshape Congress. A review of Building the Bloc: Intraparty Organization in the U.S. Congress, by Ruth Bloch Rubin (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

February 8, 2018
  How can one legislator in 435, or even in 100, change the way things are done in his or her chamber? Putting aside the highly unusual cases where… Read More

Power in the House: The House Freedom Caucus and Intraparty Organizations

February 6, 2018
In this January 23 Legislative Branch Capacity Working Group session, Professor Matthew Green of Catholic University discusses the House Freedom Caucus and political and policy influence… Read More

What is the process for investigating or removing committee chairs?

February 1, 2018
Image Source: OCE As your Twitter feed and/or news alerts have undoubtedly made you aware, trouble is afoot yet again at the House Committee on Intelligence. The latest drama… Read More