Special House rules explained

November 20, 2018
In teaching introductory legislative procedure, the House Rules Committee is justifiably given a fair amount of attention given its outsized role in determining policy consideration for the… Read More

R Sheet on forcing votes

November 16, 2018
KEY POINTS 1) Today’s majority leaders exercise unprecedented control over the Senate floor. 2) They do so to prevent their colleagues from offering amendments without their prior approval. 3) Leaders… Read More

Assessing McConnell’s Role in Judicial Confirmations

November 14, 2018
The Senate has spent much of its time in the 115th Congress confirming President Trump’s judicial nominations. Before the midterm elections, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., touted… Read More

Reforming the Senate’s hotline system

October 31, 2018
(Editor’s note: This piece originally appeared in Legislative Procedure on October 29, 2018.) Senators often blame their leaders whenever they are frustrated with how the Senate works. Yet they… Read More

‘Tis the season for changing how the Senate works

October 29, 2018
(Editor’s note: This post originally appeared in Legislative Procedure on October 22, 2018.) In the Senate today, the legislative process is centralized under the control of the party leaders… Read More

More heat than light: New Conservative amending activity in the U.S. House

October 24, 2018
For almost a decade, House Republicans from the Tea Party, Liberty, and Freedom Caucuses—to whom we give the collective label “New Conservatives”—have repeatedly and publicly clashed with House Republican… Read More

Nationalized elections and the 2018 U.S. Senate midterms

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October 23, 2018
In the months leading up to the 2018 midterm elections, media outlets and academics have devoted considerable attention to the potential for Democratic gains in the U.S. House of Representatives. Read More

House “Dear Colleague” letter soliciting support for bipartisan rules reforms in the 116th Congress

October 22, 2018
Support Bipartisan Rules Reforms in the 116th Congress Sending Office: Honorable Derek KilmerRequest for Signature(s) Current cosigners: Kilmer, Buck, Rice, Bergman, Bustos, Gallagher, Bera, Biggs, Welch, Moulton,… Read More

New R Street policy paper: How young lawyers can help restore congressional capacity

October 17, 2018
Nearly eighty percent of Americans disapprove of the way Congress does its job. Much of the blame can be attributed to its failure to substantively address many of the policy… Read More

Congress and NAFTA 2.0

October 11, 2018
(Editor’s note: This piece originally appeared in Legislative Procedure on October 10, 2018.) The United States, Mexico, and Canada recently agreed to modify the North American Free Trade… Read More