Google Politics: “Register to Vote”

September 7, 2012
This from Google Politics today on the Twitters: Here are some additional data from Google Trends for you to chew on.  Thoughts on the relevance or irrelevance of these data are… Read More

Paul Ryan “Worked With Democrats as Often as Any Republican.”

August 27, 2012
The effort to define Paul Ryan is in full swing.  While most political observers are well aware of Ryan’s record, prior to his VP selection fully 43% of Americans… Read More

The Veepstakes: What’s the Electoral Value of a Vice President?

August 11, 2012
A few hours ago, Mitt Romney announced Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan as his running mate.  It seems obvious that in picking Ryan, Romney is trying to solidify his position with fiscal conservatives… Read More

Reforming Polarization and Gridlock: Series on Congressional Reform

March 14, 2012
For someone who studies congressional development, the past couple years have been frustrating. Many people with noble intentions proposed reforms to remedy our dysfunctional Congress. However, these discussions have almost universally… Read More

Left and Right are Still Important: The Flux of National Debate

February 24, 2012
Ezra Klein is frustrated with the fluctuation in party positions. His most damaging critique of this dynamic: “Parties — particularly when they’re in the minority — care more about power… Read More

Does Iowa Matter?

December 17, 2011
In the mist of an extremely long presidential primary and campaign – as long or longer than I can remember – conversations always reach this question: “Who cares about Iowa?”… Read More

The Debt Ceiling and the Decline of American Democracy

August 1, 2011
Jacob Hacker and Oona Hathaway, both professors at Yale University, have a very good op-ed in today’s New York Times. I definitely recommend it. To sum up their argument,… Read More

Are Better Legislation and Lower Federal Spending on the Horizon?

December 31, 2010
One of my favorite places to take in varying perspectives of current political events and issues is Politico’s “The Arena.” In this forum, Politico poses a question to a panel… Read More

“Why won’t They Reform the Filibuster?”

November 1, 2010
Ezra Klein posted an article Friday about “Six things Obama has done Wrong.” His last point on the administration’s failures is their inability to change the filibuster. The… Read More

Grading Presidential Rhetoric using Readability Software

September 15, 2010
If you were a junior high or high school teacher interested in assigning presidential speeches for your American Government class, which presidential speeches would you assign and to whom?  My… Read More