Podcast: Interview with the Chairmen of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

August 25, 2020
Listen: https://federalnewsnetwork.com/fedtalk/2020/08/making-congress-modern/ FEDTalk interviewed Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress co-chairs, Derek Kilmer (D, WA) and Tom Graves (R, GA), along with Daniel Schuman (Demand Progress) and… Read More

Legbranch.org Beach Read: The Reports of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

August 11, 2020
Reports Adopting Standardized Formats for Legislative Documents Assignment of Unique Identifiers for Reports Filed by Registered Lobbyists Comparative Print Project Feasibility of Establishing a Congressional… Read More

ICYMI: The House Modernization Committee keeps on keepin’ on

August 5, 2020
The Modernization Committee held three virtual discussions with guest speakers to discuss staffing reform, the congressional schedule and calendar, Congressional Member Organizations (CMO’s), and staff diversity. Video of the… Read More

ICYMI: Bipartisan coalition of lawmakers introduces legislation to restore congressional war powers

July 17, 2020
From the office of Rep. Anthony Brown (D, MD): House Armed Services Committee Vice Chair Anthony G. Brown (D-MD), Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Tom Cole (R-OK), Don… Read More

Congress must be ready for election uncertainty

April 20, 2020
Recent polls show President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in a virtual tie in national polls. State polls show the race as a tossup. Come November, the country may… Read More

Diverse groups thank Congress for its modernization efforts

April 7, 2020
Download the letter. Read More

Bipartisan reform in a fitful Senate?

April 6, 2020
Back in the antediluvian era of late February 2020, a group of 70 former U.S. Senators took to the opinion page of the Washington Post to lament the sorry state of America’s… Read More

Broad coalition calls for Congress to reclaim its national security powers

March 18, 2020
Statement of Principles All Americans have a stake in decisions to go to war, bypass ordinary laws through emergency declarations, or sell weapons to foreign regimes. That is why the… Read More

Some good news from the Hill: Congress is standing up for itself, together

March 15, 2020
Source: House Rules Committee, March 3, 2020. It is rare these days that people have happy news to share in the nation’s capital. But we are here to do… Read More

House may vote today on congressional reform measures

March 10, 2020
Source: House Committee on Administration, Ranking member Rodney Davis. Word on the Hill is that the House will vote today on H. Res 756 under the suspension of rules. Read More