Rule 22 Blog Merges Into

September 1, 2017
After 7 years, Rule 22 blog has moved to a new home. Jordan Ragusa and I now are contributors at, the joint venture between R Street Institute… Read More

The healthcare process is not just bad. It’s damaging.

July 26, 2017
There’s a lot of alk about the broken processes in the House and Senate, particularly around the healt are bill. Extraordinary secrecy has been employed to push the AHCA through… Read More

The omnibus is here! And some things to clear up about congressional budget politics.

May 2, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder Originally published at the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University House and Senate leaders will push through an omnibus spending package this week. The bill… Read More

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: CR edition

April 17, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder Next week, the government will run out of money to stay open. And in typical fashion, Congress has left itself an insanely small window to pass… Read More

The legislative filibuster isn’t going anywhere any time soon

April 5, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder It’s a nuclear week in the Senate. Majority Leader McConnell has hinted that he has the votes to go “nuclear” on Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the… Read More

Is Speaker Ryan leading too much?

March 14, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder The debate to repeal and replace Obamacare was always going to be a serious test for congressional leaders. Reorganizing an eighth of the economy has massive… Read More

Future headline: President Trump’s budget proposal re-breaks already broken appropriations process into itty bits… And that has other consequences.

March 2, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder That’s not likely to be the actual headline but it won’t be far off. On Tuesday, President Trump outlined his budget proposal which will include $54… Read More

On to Reconciliation! Republicans have a plan but probably won’t follow it.

January 12, 2017
By Joshua C. Huder The Senate passed a budget yesterday. It lacked some of the typical hallmarks of a budget resolution. Namely, the chamber did not debate in any great… Read More

Ominous Omnibus: A CR is coming.

November 14, 2016
By Joshua C. Huder With elections over, lawmakers make their way back to DC today. They will be faced with several pieces of important business, perhaps none more important than… Read More

How will Congress respond to a Trump win?

November 10, 2016
By Joshua C. Huder Republicans won both elected branches of government on Tuesday night. They will add the Third Branch soon as a SCOTUS nominee will be among the first… Read More