Will the Senate Go Nuclear Again?
Put this in the “it’s not really nuclear” category. Despite several accounts reporting that Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) plans to go nuclear, don’t believe the headlines. That said this is… Read More
Simulating the Vote to Remove the Confederate Flag from South Carolina’s Capitol Grounds
Do opponents of the Confederate flag have the votes to remove it from South Carolina’s Capitol grounds? In an attempt at answering this question, Charleston’s newspaper, The Post & Courier,… Read More
Left or Right? Who’s further from the middle?
Polarization is commonplace in American politics. Both parties are moving away from the middle. The debate often boils down to who is polarizing the most/fastest. New York Times opinion writer Peter… Read More
Political parties are often too convenient an explanation
Teagan Goddard asked the question, can politics be “unbundled” from political parties? In other words, if there is a market where we can unbundle phone and internet service, why… Read More
The budget rule is uncommon but (small ‘d’) democratic
The House budget proposal is being brought to the floor under an uncommon rule called the queen-of-the-hill. It’s being framed as quirky, odd and, at times, a signal of Republican… Read More
With Ted Cruz’s announcement, the 2016 campaign is starting late, but more intense than ever
Like a bugle at the start of a horse race, Ted Cruz’s announcement yesterday signals the beginning of the 2016 presidential election. Indeed, in the American political lexicon the… Read More
Most budgets lack details. That doesn’t mean they’re ineffective.
Since the House budget resolution dropped yesterday a lot of complaints have surfaced about its lack of detail. Lack of detail have some claiming it abandons Paul Ryan’s budget,… Read More
House process quick hit: Overthrowing the Speaker.
As rumors swirl and fade about Boehner’s removal from the speakership, it’s a good time to clarify a few things about House process and its history. No speaker has… Read More
Quick process hit: Senate will vote on a clean DHS bill. Why that looked likely last Monday.
Today Senate Republicans are moving forward on the inevitable. They will vote on a clean DHS funding bill with no immigration riders attached. With time running out they struck a deal… Read More
Democrats gained even more power in the DHS/immigration debate, and it happened last week
It’s well known that any Republican attempt to reverse Obama’s executive action would be an uphill battle. Because any congressional response required a legislative fix, Republicans face a… Read More