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Blog Round-Up

July 1, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
We can add one more case to the list of government shutdowns.  Politico has an interesting article about the implications that the government shutdown… Read More

Dodging the Ryan Budget: Republican Schadenfreude

June 23, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Politico notes that the Ryan budget is quickly becoming a litmus test for Republicans.  The trick, David Catanese argues, is catering to conservative primary voters while dodging the unpopular Ryan… Read More

Gridlock: Politicians are “Out of Touch”?

June 23, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Gridlock is a popular talking point recently. It is, of course, a response to Congress’s inaction on just about everything. While this is what is exactly what is expected during… Read More

GOP Women: “As Conservative as the Men are”

June 21, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Politico has a story today (here) that addresses the new crop of women in the Republican party.  There are a couple points in the article that I… Read More

John Kasich’s Air Ball

June 17, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Just in case you hadn’t heard, John Kasich, the current Ohio governor, issued a resolution the other day making the Dallas Mavericks “honorary Ohioans.”  My favorite part of the resolution: “Whereas, NBA Finals… Read More

Sarah Palin Emails at an Eighth-Grade Level: Comparable to Obama’s First State of the Union

June 15, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
AOL Weird News conducted an analysis of Sarah Palin’s emails using the Flesch-Kincaid score.  The analysis revealed that Plain drafts emails at an eighth-grade level.  (The actual scores, according to… Read More

Blog Round-Up

June 7, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Here are the mandatory Wiener-gate posts. On a side note, when is the media going to get more creative with scandal titles? Why must everything end in –gate? From… Read More

Visualizing Mitt Romney’s 2007 and 2011 Presidential Announcements

June 5, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Here are two word clouds of Mitt Romney’s 2007 and 2011 presidential announcements (I used  The returns were limited to the 20 most frequently used words with “common”… Read More

Responding to Nate Silver: Elections and Economic Conditions

June 5, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
Nate Silver wrote a very good post yesterday about the ability of economic models to forecast election results. I think he does a good job of debunking the idea that… Read More

Anthony Weiner’s Thursday Schedule

June 2, 2011  ·  LegBranch Team
This is just awesome (courtsey of Ted McCagg via TheMonkeyCage):… Read More