The Senate Is Broken, But Don’t Blame the Filibuster

October 10, 2017
By John Rackey In a recent article, Ezra Klein declared the Senate broken. The culprits, according to Klein, are the increased use of the filibuster and the reconciliation… Read More

ICYMI: Ezra Klein Declares the Senate Broken

October 2, 2017
Ezra Klein Writes at Vox: “It is past time for the Senate to admit what its members, and the country, already know. The institution is broken. The rules need… Read More

Video of Meeting On: Congressional Procedure and Policymaking

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September 28, 2017
The Brookings Institution’s Molly E. Reynolds led the discussion of legislative procedure and policymaking at the September 2017 meeting of the Legislative Branch Capacity Working Group. Dr. Reynolds is… Read More

ICYMI: The Course of the Confirmation Process Isn’t Supposed to Run Smoothly

September 11, 2017
James Wallner writes at the Library of Law & Liberty: “To the extent that obstruction and delay make it harder for a majority party to operate in the manner… it… Read More

ICYMI: Should the House of Representatives Follow Its Own Rules?

September 8, 2017
The Congressional Institute’s Mark Strand and Tim Lang write: “Although the House of Representatives adopts rules on the first day of each new Congress, the Chamber frequently votes to… Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to Senate Rules

September 6, 2017
James Wallner’s first white paper for R Street is available at… Read More

ICYMI: Brookings Panel On Procedure and Politics

August 31, 2017
On August 2, Brookings brought together a panel of experts to discuss procedural politics in the early days of the 115th Congress. Focusing specifically on two of… Read More

How a Majority Can Overcome Filibustering Without Changing the Rules

August 29, 2017
Source: “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1939. James Wallner writes at the Federalist: [S]enators have proposed various reforms over the years to clamp down on the minority’s… Read More

ICYMI: Senatorial Scrums Make Members into Rubber Stamps

August 16, 2017
Source: Wikipedia. James Wallner writes at the Library of Law and Liberty: “Look behind every major legislative success the U.S. Senate has had in recent years and you will… Read More

Latest Edition of the Healthy Congress Index Issued

August 15, 2017
“The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Healthy Congress Index provides Americans with crucial metrics for evaluating Congress’s ability to effectively legislate and govern. It compares results against past Congresses and will… Read More