The Senate is broken because senators broke it

February 28, 2020
Something broke the Senate. It no longer legislates, and its members are frustrated. Reflecting the mounting dissatisfaction with the status quo, a bipartisan group of 70 former senators recently published… Read More

How Mitch McConnell masters the Senate

February 22, 2020
During the Great Depression, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and poet Carl Sandburg posed the question, “What is history but a few Big Names plus People?” Eighty-four years later,… Read More

Podcast: The Senate post-impeachment

February 12, 2020
R Street Institute’s James Wallner and joins Matt Glassman, Josh Huder, and Mark Harkins of the Government Affairs Institute. They give a post mortem on the impeachment trial, and… Read More

Precedents! Precedents! Get your FREE precedents!

January 30, 2020
As the Senate conducts its impeachment trial, there appears to be growing interest in Senate rules – particularly Senate precedents.  Is the Chief Justice allowed to cast tie-breaking votes when presiding… Read More

The chief justice doesn’t rule the Senate

January 28, 2020
Source: The Senate’s impeachment trial of President Trump has entered its second week. Some of the president’s critics have concerns with how it’s going—and they want Chief Justice… Read More

Making motions In impeachment trials

January 27, 2020
Now that the House managers have completed their presentation of the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, counsel for the president has up to 24 hours over three days… Read More

Can the vice president vote in a presidential impeachment trial?

January 27, 2020
Up to now, the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has unfolded along party lines. All but one of the votes that senators cast earlier this… Read More

ICYMI: Senate leaders do not make the rules

January 25, 2020
After several weeks of uncertainty surrounding President Trump’s impeachment, the Senate is ready to proceed. This week, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, … Read More

What happened in the Senate on Monday night

January 22, 2020
Yesterday, President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial finally got underway in the Senate. Senators’ first order of business was to decide whether to adopt a package of supplementary rules (… Read More

McConnell’s impeachment rules advantage McConnell

January 21, 2020
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the Senate impeachment rules last night. He previously stated the impeachment rules for Trump will follow the Clinton rules. And in a strict… Read More