Why Do We Need Legislative Process?

May 8, 2017
Source: J. Ottmann Lith. Co. after Charles J. Taylor, 1894. Source:  U.S. Senate . Listen to the University of Georgia’s Prof. Anthony J. Madonna and George Washington University’s… Read More

What Members of Congress Think Is Wrong With Congress

April 5, 2017
For those who feel Congress is in need of some modicum of reform, we should read carefully the words of those who experience first-hand the problems found within the… Read More

Materials On Senate Amendments for the September 19, 2016 Meeting

September 14, 2016
Our presenter is James Wallner, the author of the white paper, “Unprecedented: Informal Rules and Leader Power in the U.S. Senate.” Additional helpful reads are: Christopher M. Davis, “The… Read More

APSA White Papers on Congressional Capacity

September 6, 2016
Every chair was filled at the American Political Science Association panel discussing congressional capacity. The papers delivered were: Anthony Madonna and Ian Ostrander, “A Congress of Cannibals: The Evolution… Read More

ICYMI: Members of Congress Publish Essays On the State of Congress

August 24, 2016
The July 2016 copy of PS: Political Science and Politics carries essays by four members of Congress (one former and three current). This unusual and happy development was the… Read More

A Case for Stronger Congressional Committees

August 3, 2016
With congressional partisanship at record highs and congressional approval ratings at record lows, the First Branch should consider reform. Two recent white papers (one analyzing the House, the… Read More

Academic Panel On Congressional Capacity

May 30, 2016
Lee Drutman and Kevin Kosar, the co-directors of the Legislative Branch Capacity Working Group, will be on a panel titled “Assessing Congress’ Capacity to Solve Problems.” This will occur… Read More

House Appropriators Approve Small Pay Raise for Personal Staff

May 25, 2016
Something remarkable happened a week ago: a committee in Congress voted to spend a little bit more money on congressional staff. Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., offered the amendment to… Read More