Podcast: Does incivility weaken or strengthen democracy?

May 20, 2020
Listen here. Emily Sydnor joins Julia Azari, Lee Drutman, and James Wallner to consider how people react to incivility in the media and the role it plays in… Read More

What are we talking about? A primer on remote deliberations terms

May 18, 2020
Congress is beginning to innovate around how it deliberates in committees and on the floor. These changes are driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has made in-person meetings unsafe and… Read More

The election is in six months. Where does the race for control of Congress stand?

May 3, 2020
It’s an election year. It can be easy to forget that, given the appropriately single-minded focus in the media on COVID-19 and its devastating health and economic impacts. But in… Read More

The Crisis Congress: What is the legislature’s job in a national crisis?

April 29, 2020
Recent weeks have seen the U.S. Congress rise to the challenge of a public-health crisis in some impressive ways. In an era when the institution barely moves, and major bipartisan… Read More

Pandemic endangers American political activity, self-governance

April 28, 2020
The impact that COVID-19 has had on American public life over the past two months has been extraordinary. Millions of workers have lost their jobs or are furloughed without pay. Read More

New Congressional Research Service report on remote voting

April 23, 2020
The Congressional Research Service has released a new report on a very timely topic—remote voting. The report was written by Todd Garvey and published by CRS at https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10447… Read More

Hoyer and McCarthy issue dueling letters on online work and reopening Congress

April 22, 2020
Yesterday, Majority Whip Steny Hoyer (D, MD) released a letter advocating remote voting and deliberations. He wrote: “Beyond implementing the proxy voting as a first step,… Read More

Governance poll: Pre-COVID-19 America had growing confidence in the economy and rising sexism

April 15, 2020
Presidential campaigns offer a unique opportunity to observe how individuals respond to political events and messages. The GW Politics Poll contained two separate cross-sectional studies that help us… Read More

Today at 12: Emerging legal issues in congressional oversight and investigation

April 14, 2020
RSVP for this online meeting The 116th Congress may rank with those of the Teapot Dome Scandal and Watergate in terms of its importance in defining the congressional… Read More

Podcast: Do ideas or interests drive our politics?

April 13, 2020
Listen in. Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, joins Julia Azari, Lee Drutman, and James Wallner to discuss the role that ideas and interests play in our politics. Do ideas… Read More