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Coalition Urges Strengthening Article I and Increasing Oversight Capacity

July 23, 2021  ·  Jonathan Bydlak
Dear Vice Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Braun, We the undersigned right-of-center organizations and individuals write to express our support for strengthening Congress, and rebuilding its capacity for policymaking and… Read More

Meet the Alliance for Congress

July 21, 2021  ·  William Gray
The Alliance for Congress, a new initiative by the Partnership for Public Service, launches today! Their mission is to unite allies to help Congress become a healthier and… Read More

Everyone Won with Ranked-Choice Voting in New York City

July 10, 2021  ·  Jonathan Bydlak
by Jonathan Bydlak and Matthew Germer Initial Election Night results in the New York City mayoral contest seemed to declare the race all but over. Brooklyn Borough President Eric… Read More

The House votes to create a select committee to investigate January 6

July 1, 2021  ·  William Gray
From the New York Times: The House voted mostly along party lines on Wednesday to create a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, pushing… Read More

Congress must seize the opportunity to claw back its power

June 18, 2021  ·  Jonathan Bydlak
By Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette and Jonathan Bydlak The Biden administration issued its proposed $6 trillion budget on the Friday before Memorial Day, making it easy to overlook the… Read More

Read the HSGAC & Rules report on January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

June 9, 2021  ·  William Gray
Senators Klobuchar, Blunt, Peters and Portman released the first Congressional report examining the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. It can be read here. Demand Progress… Read More

The fallout of January 6 continues to land on Capitol Hill staff

May 27, 2021  ·  William Gray
Katherine Tully-McManus has a must-read in Roll Call about how Capitol Hill staffers are dealing with the ongoing mental, emotional and physical fallout from the events of January 6. Read More

Roll Call: Hoyer, Jeffries and Lofgren call for study of expanded staff benefits

May 21, 2021  ·  William Gray
Katherine Tully-McManus at Roll Call reports out Democratic leaders requesting a study examining how certain benefits may impact retention, recruitment and diversity among House staff. Excerpt: They… Read More

House Backs Creation of Commission on Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Despite G.O.P. Opposition

May 21, 2021  ·  William Gray
The Wall Street Journal reports on the 252 – 175 vote in the House on the 1/6 commission — and the lay of the land as the debate transitions… Read More

A Conservative Election Reform: Ranked-Choice Voting

May 13, 2021  ·  Matt Germer
“[T]he thinking conservative understands that permanence and change must be recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society.” When Russell Kirk penned his famous “Ten Conservative Principles” in 1993, he… Read More